I enjoyed recreating the Organization of Knowledge picture in PowerPoint. I actually forgot how many different tools and designs they had in the PowerPoint program. I have also changed the background theme to the Weebly website to help students who may have visual difficulties. As far as the chapter 2 Organization of Knowledge I thought it was interesting the various strategies instructors can use in the classroom to help build long term knowledge. I will definitely try to use the strategy where students draw a concept map to help expose their knowledge organizations about a topic. It is a starting point to help figure out what students understand or have retained about a specific topic.
I thought chapter 1 of the "How Learning Works" book was very interesting. I enjoyed learning the different strategies that educators can use to determine students' prior knowledge. In our building we are preparing our district for the 2014-2015 merit pay and evaluation procedures. Currently we are using the pre and post tests to determine students' prior knowledge as well as the clickers. I also try to meet with my colleagues in the high school building to collaborate ideas on how students are adapting to new classes, lessons, and classroom procedures. After reading about collaborating with teachers about their previous year with each student it makes sense to ask instructors how they teach that specific class (powerpoint, lecture, hands on learning). I have noticed that each of my students learn differently and they always have one class that they struggle with, because they are unable to learn the material if they are a kinesthetic, visual, or auditory learner. I think it is great when a teacher tries to incorporate all three of these types of learning in the classroom. It helps to ensure that each student is going to grasp the material in one way or another.